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Anti-separatist Laws Promoted In China
Headline Legal News | 2009/07/20 11:17
The Associated Press is reporting that in response to China's worst unrest in months the country is promoting anti-separatist laws.

The chairman of the Standing Committee of the Xinjiang Regional People's Congress has blamed the July 5 riots on extremism, terrorism and separatism. Police allege women dressed in head scarves and long, black Islamic robes were instigators.

Nearly 200 people died in the riots in the western area of Xinjiang that were started because of increasing friction between Han Chinese and Muslim Uighurs. Uighurs have complained of restrictions on their religion, language and culture. Han Chinese want the Uighurs to be happy with Xinjiang's quick economic development.

Environment Groups Sue To Protect MT Monument
Headline Legal News | 2009/07/17 09:25
According to Courthouse News, four environmental groups have sued the Bureau of Land Management in Federal Court.

Friends of the Missouri Breaks Monument, The Wilderness Society and two others say a federal management plan for the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument permits recreation that will "destroy and degrade" the "solitude and splendor" of the monument.

The 377,000-acre site that includes 149 miles of the Upper Missouri River was declared a national landmark by President Bill Clinton in 2001. It has gone largely unchanged since 1805, when Lewis and Clark explored the monument. Habitat such as elk, prairie dogs and fish call it home.

The complaint states that two major issues are the bureau's approval of six airstrips that were never subject to official review and 43 oil and gas leases on the monument are set to remain open. The plan also sets no limits to where recreational boating can occur.

The environmental groups, represented by James Angell with Earthjustice, ask the court to set aside the 2008resource management plan and close primitive roads in the monument.

Goldman Sachs Backs Off Blogger
Legal Business | 2009/07/16 11:17
In an article for The American Lawyer, Brian Baxter reports that investment bank firm Goldman Sachs has cooled off on legal battles with Florida-based blogger Mike Morgan. The company quietly agreed to stipulations with Morgan last month.

Morgan agreed to a disclaimer on his page denying any affiliation with Goldman. In return, they will not interfere with his use of the name on the site.

A recent Rolling Stone article by Matt Taibbi has brought more attention to the controversial issues Morgan discusses on the website. In the article Taibbi calls the firm a "vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity."

Goldman Sachs has responded by saying the article is full of conspiracy theories and, "We reject the assertion that we are inflators of bubbles and profiteers in busts, and we are painfully conscious of the importance of being a force of good."

The firm recently reported $3.4 billion in second quarter profits, exceeding all expectations.

PA Club Accused Of Discrimination
Headline Legal News | 2009/07/10 10:35

The Associated Press is reporting that the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission is investigating a swim club outside of Philadelphia on accusations of racial discrimination.

The Valley Club allegedly told a group of visiting minority children to get out of the pool and not to return. They are denying this claim and saying that overcrowding was the problem.

The Creative Steps camp is from northeast Pennsylvania and had planned to come to The Valley Club every Monday this summer. The alleged incident occured on June 29. Some of the children claim they heard racial comments.

One 9-year-old member, who was upset about the incident, was asked if she would return if allowed. "I don't want to swim here anymore," she responded.

Senator Arlen Specter called the sitution "extemely disturbing" and is also investigating the matter.

Gay Marriage Battle In Maine
Headline Legal News | 2009/06/20 10:15
According to The Associated Press, the same public relations firm used to successfully overturn Prop 8 in California has been commissioned to assist gay marriage opponents in Maine.

The California-based Schubert Flint Public Affairs will help campaign to repeal Maine's gay marriage law. More than 55,000 signatures are necessary to get the issue on the ballot in November.

On the other side, Maine's gay marriage proponents have formed a political action committee.

Jesse Connolly, who successfully led the 2005 campaign to keep the state's gay right laws, has been hired by Maine Freedom To Marry to campaign against they gay marriage gainsayers.

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